How to Keep Your Grease Trap Clean?
Grease Trap are a critical part of any commercial kitchen. By catching fats, oils, and greases, they help keep your waste disposal system working properly. However, even your grease trap could be subject to problems if it’s left in poor condition. Here are a few simple ways to keep it clean.
1. Install Strainers
Anyone who’s had drain problems knows that solids can quickly cause blockages. Strainers are typical in sinks, but few people consider using them in grease traps as well. These filters, like others, have narrow passages that allow liquids to pass through while catching large solids. In this case, the strainer on your grease trap can catch food that would otherwise clog it.
2. Avoid Pouring Grease Down the Drain
Even the most robust trap will break down or clog if it’s overworked, which can easily happen if you pour grease directly down your drain. Since grease is a dense liquid that often carries many small solids within it, large quantities of it can quickly cause backups. Collect your grease in a separate container, and see if a grease trap cleaning company offers disposal services for it.
3. Throw Trash In the Garbage
This may seem like an obvious tip, but traps are often used as trashcans, even though they weren’t designed for that purpose. Straws, plastic utensils, napkins, and other materials are typically thrown in them, clogging the device and preventing it from working effectively. To make sure the trap stays clean and works efficiently, keep trash in the garbage.